The Centre of Bright Beginnings

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What to expect in a Bowen Therapy Treatment

Treatment sessions last for 60 minutes (although your initial consultation may go for up to 90 minutes)

  • It is recommended that you wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes.

  • A thorough medical history and discussion around your current symptoms and concerns will occur at the start of a session. Your health and wellbeing goals will also be discussed

  • You will be invited to lie down or sit in a comfortable position for the treatment, depending on the areas of your body that require treatment

  • The therapist will use their fingers to apply gentle, rolling movements on specific areas of your body. These movements will stretch and move the skin with pressure, but they won’t be forceful.

  • After each move, the therapist will leave your body to process and integrate for about 2-5 minutes

The total number of sessions you will need and the length of time between each session will vary depending upon your initial complaints or concerns and your individual health goals. Generally, you will undertake four initial sessions ideally 1 week apart and then stretch out to once or twice per month until you reach your goals. You are then welcome to return for a session whenever you are feeling that it would be supportive.