Hi, I’m Claire Holloway

I’m the owner and facilitator at The Centre of Bright Beginnings. But first and foremost, I’m mother to two young children who are my greatest teachers in life.

I have experienced alot on my matrescence journey so far:

  • From ‘unexplained infertility’ to two healthy children

  • From an emergency c-section to a homebirth classed VBAC

  • From an inguinal hernia to resolving years of chronic pain

  • From low milk supply to mastitis

  • From raising a child remotely in the NT to raising children in Launceston and now Perth

  • From identifying as an experienced engineer to a full-time mother

… and more.

This all has inspired me to focus my efforts towards supporting others on their own unique journeys of matrescence.

You can read more about my personal Yoga Journey here and my birthing story here.

Acknowledgement of Lineage

Just as the land on which I study, share and practice yoga is alive with the ancient spirituality and traditions of the Wadjuk people of the Nyoongar nation, so is yoga itself alive with the ancient spirituality and traditions of the people of India.

I acknowledge and send gratitude to the Indian people whose yogic traditions now support so many people around the world. I have been honoured to learn from the lineages and traditions of Krishnamacharya, Sivananda, Viniyoga, Sri Adi Shankaracharya and Kriya yoga.

I consider myself forever a student of yoga and look forward to continuing to deepen my knowledge, understanding and respect for this ancient modality across all its lineages and forms.

I acknowledge the many generations of colonial oppression that have lead to erasure, oppression and appropriation of indigenous wisdom traditions including yoga and the many aboriginal nations of Australia. I stand against caste opression and acknowledge the harm that has been done inside vedic traditions including yoga. I seek to engage yoga and other tools of liberation for the ending of all oppressions and support caste abolition.

The important step that follows after awareness and acknowledgement of oppression is reparation or reciprocity. The Centre of Bright Beginnings is passionate about giving back, supporting and uplifting indigenous and marginalised peoples wherever we can. You can read about how we are putting our yoga into action here.

*Deep gratitude to Susanna Barkataki for inspiring the expressions of the above acknowledgements and their embodiment in the yoga I share.

How I Share Yoga

I am passionate about the importance of adapting yoga practices to suit the individual. You’ll find me in my element teaching small group and private classes, where I can ensure everyone’s unique needs are supported.

The cyclical nature of life and living is a prevalent theme running through my yoga offerings. Many students come to yoga seeking to prepare for a new stage of life or transform their health and wellbeing. By supporting students to first release those aspects of self that are no longer of benefit, I then guide them towards practices that can support a Bright New Beginning.

During class, I use inclusive and simple language to make the biomechanical and metaphysical concepts that support the yogic traditions accessible to all. I seek to empower students to tune in to what their own body, mind and spirit need and draw upon the energy within and around them.

I am passionate about the decolonisation of yoga in the West and am committed to continued study to ensure what I share upholds and respects the traditional practices and cultural context of yoga.

Training & Qualifications

I have carefully selected my training and continued professional development to ensure my work is evidence-informed, whilst coming from a place of embodied experience and respect for the traditions I share.

With a background as an engineer (BEng Hons 1st Class) and a musician (CMUSA), I have the ability to balance scientific and evidence-informed concepts with creativity and intuitive wisdom.

Yoga Teacher (500hr)

In all my teaching, I abide by Yoga Australia’s Code of Professional Conduct. My ethics are guided by the traditional yogic principles (the Yama and Niyama), as outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. You can read more about the Yama and Niyama and how they relate to parenthood here.

Bowen Therapist

Currently studying with Bowen Training Australia.

Student Member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)

Matrescence & Parenthood Coach

Certified Mama Rising Facilitator and Matrescence Coach. Studied with Amy Taylor-Kabbaz.


  • Over a decade of experience facilitating small and large group workshops across industries as diverse as engineering and wellbeing.

  • Business Improvements specialist with a Greenbelt qualification in Lean Six Sigma methodologies.

Prenatal and Postnatal Specialist

Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training

  • studied through Bliss Baby Yoga with extensions in:

    • Pelvic Anatomy and Physiology

    • Ayurveda for Pregnancy and Birth

Completed Basic Skills in Perinatal Mental Health Training

Spinning Babies® Workshop Attendee

Certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

Family and kids yoga teacher training through Rainbow Kids Yoga

Member of Pelvic Health Professionals

Pelvic Health Professionals, Pelvic Health, Women's Health, Yoga for Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Floor

I am committed to ongoing professional development, particularly in the area of pelvic health and chronic pain.

  • Reframing Pelvic Girdle Pain training with Dr Sinead Dufour through Reframe Rehab.

Social Justice Training

Yoga means unity, therefore there is no denying the link, and therefore a practitioner’s responsibility, to supporting social justice.

I am committed to continual learning and supportive activity in this area.

Conscious Mothers Australia

I am proud to be a Pioneer Member of the Conscious Mothers Australia Holistic Business Directory